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Hand Tools


tile nipper

Item No: CTG402
Size: 8"

Tile Cutting Nippers

Tungsten Carbide Jaw

Drop Forged Handle Grip 

Tile Nippers are designed for cutting / nibbling shapes and cuts into ceramic tiles, making them perfect for adjusting tiles to fit in awkward places.
Each of the tile nippers features a durable tungsten carbide jaw with a drop forged steel handle for improved grip and handling.

Tile Nippers:

tile nipper

Item No: CTG462
Size: 8"

Tile Cutting Nippers

Curved Tungsten Carbide Jaw

Drop Forged Handle Grip

tile nipper

Item No: CTG404
Size: 10"

Quarry Tile Cutting Nippers

Reinforced Tungsten Carbide Jaw

Drop Forged Handle Grip

tile nipper

Item No: CTG403
Size: 8"

Parrot Tile Cutting Nippers

Tungsten Carbide Jaw

Drop Forged Handle Grip

tile pliers

Item No: CTG408
Size: 8"

Combination Cutter

(Suitable for 10mm tile thickness)

The Tile Cutting Nippers are capable of working with ceramic and porcelain tile thicknesses up to 12mm.

1. Draw the shape on the tile using a china pencil
2. Make small cuts or nibbles until the desired shape is achieved
3. Cut edges can be smoothed down using a Rasp File or Rubbing Block
rasp and file

Item No: RBG810
Size: 160mm

Rasp & File

Curved Face

Abrasive rubbing tools designed for smoothing and removing sharp edges from tiles and other materials including brick, stone and concrete. 

Rasps & Files:

rasp and file

Item No: RBG813
Size: 200mm

Rasp & File

Flat Face

rubbing block

Item No: RBG801
Size: 8" x 2"

Rubbing Block

High Grade Carborundum

CRB1 Img.jpg

Item No: CRB1
Size: 6" x 2"

Fluted Rubbing Block

High Grade Carborundum

tile trimmers

Item No: RBG800
Size: 7" x 2.5"

Tile Edging Trimmers

Tungsten Carbide Mesh

(Pack of 2)

Rasp Files and Rubbing Blocks are the perfect tools for smoothing off rough edges of tiles after making cuts with Tile Cutting Nippers

The high grade carborundum material gives the Rubbing Blocks a strong balance between abrasion and versatility, allowing for tougher materials such as brick and stone to be smoothed down with minimal corrosion to the block itself. 
tile saw

Item No: CTG409
Size: 6"

Tile Saw / Hack Saw

1 x Carbide Grit Blade

1 x Hack Saw Blade

Handheld utility saws for cutting through ceramic tiles. The design of the framework grants the saws additional mobility when cutting, allowing difficult and angled cuts to be made with ease.

Tile Saws & Accessories:

tile saw

Item No: CTG413
Size: 12"

Professional Tile Saw / Hack Saw

1 x Hack Saw Blade

tile saw

Item No: CTG431
Size: 6"

Carbide Tile Saw

Deep Format

150mm Rod Saw Blade

tile saw blade

Item No: CTG410
Size: 6" Blade

Tile Saw Blade


tile saw blade

Item No: CTG412
Size: 6" Blade

Tile Saw Blade


tile saw blade

Item No: CTG416
Size: 12" Blade

Tile Saw Blade


mitre block

Item No: MBG1101
Size: 150mm x 30mm

Mitre Block

tile shaping template

Item No: MBG1109
Size: 10"

Tile Shaping Template

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